Mörk Borg Minis

I am slowly plugging away at the Mörk Borg Miniatures Kickstarter by Westfalia Publishing. I really like their aesthetic and also ordered their gender swapped Lord of the Ring minis.

This model below is the troll. I had arbitrarily primed him a red so I went with it. I kind of Garfed him up a bit with an orange on his back and a brighter more yellow orange on his belly. I need to find a way to knock down the reflections in my photos because I did spend time highlighting his back and chest wrinkles/folds and they’re not really showing up. It’s a learning process.

Next up is the Esoteric Hermit. I really like the weathering on his scroll.

Here’s the Wrat. Apparently her left arm is supposed to be pointing upwards and coming out from the far side of her cloak and not pointing down coming from the inside. I still like the way it looks. This looks way better in person. I like that the bright yellow of her hair and bright blue of her cloak fits with the Mork Borg CMYK color scheme.

And finally the Narrator and what i think is a Berserker. I had a lot of fun with these two. Many layers of washes for the pile of skulls. I had a Warhammer bit of the two decapitated heads that I glued to the Beserker’s fist to make it look like he was dragging his prey around. I also like that the Berserker is like an old warrior with a bit of pudge and a receding hair line.

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