Model Making Archives - Hobby Blog Sat, 10 Feb 2024 17:24:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Temple of the Wheel Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:01:05 +0000 I’ve been slowly working on a new 2×2′ table over the past few months. The concept is that this will be an old battlefield littered with skeletons and other war…

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I’ve been slowly working on a new 2×2′ table over the past few months. The concept is that this will be an old battlefield littered with skeletons and other war materiel. The focus point will be a temple building on top of a raised platform. I enjoy placing individual bricks rather than a solid XPS sheet with the bricks drawn on. It’s more time consuming but I think it looks better.

I had made the gray base late last year and it’s based off of the brick design of one of the sky islands in Breath of the Wild. At this point in the process, I wasnt sure of the stone color which is why that platform has the undertones already there. The temple has a main arch way in the front and two small side doors. The back (not shown) has a small circular window at the top. My idea being that maybe on certain days the light shines just right through that window and onto some kind of relic inside.

other view, plus some primer

I really wanted to get away from gray stone for this build. I saw a video by Ben Has that had an inspiring color scheme of red and black. I really liked the idea of a blood red temple which inspired a lot more with this build. Here’s the removable roof piece with some underpainting in place – red, orange, and purple. The black notch is where a wooden trap door will go later.

After doing the undertones, I airbrushed the whole thing with a crimson red, did a black wash, and then some dry brushing of red again. I had to make some kind of structure at the top for the roof because when placed on top of the building, it looked too unfinished. I used some bass wood square dowels and weathered them with inks. Also visible in the first shot below is some Battle DamageTM of the platform, the partially finished steps, the wooden trap door in the roof, and some crashed chariots that I scratch built.

Once I had everything red, I started getting inspired. I have all of these resin wheels from the mold that I made, and I thought this would be the time to use them. I had taken one and put a slain soldier, now a skeleton, slumped over the wheel (not shown) and this got me thinking – what if this whole temple was dedicated to the Order of the Wheel? I haven’t really figured out what that means, but it just sounds cool!

In my mind this temple has some kind of sacrifice going on the roof for the worshippers to witness. Hanging from the beams are the Holy Wheel with past sacrifices hanging from them. It’s been centuries since the last sacrifice so all that remains are skeletons.

In the photo I have the wheel hanging from some rope, but in the end I swapped it out for some metal chain and then put a magnet in the wood where I have the red arrow. There’s another one on the opposite side of the archway as well.

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Small Hover Hauler Finished* Fri, 19 Jan 2024 17:00:03 +0000 *There’s always work to be done, but I doubt I’ll go back and really add anything. Here’s the hauler primed and ready for paint. You can see the mast is…

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*There’s always work to be done, but I doubt I’ll go back and really add anything.

Here’s the hauler primed and ready for paint. You can see the mast is already painted, so there’s a close up of this as well. I ended up repainting it blue to match the rest of the ship. The mast would be put in place when the winds are right so the hauler can save on fuel.

The hauler fully painted and weathered. The mast is tied down to the top and repainted blue. The bed of the hauler has all the necessary tools: winch, spare parts, tarps, and wood planks.

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Small Hover Hauler Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:38:17 +0000 With so many model kits being war machines, I wanted to create a scratch bashed vehicle that was utilitarian. I’m pushing this towards what is essentially a solar punk pick…

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With so many model kits being war machines, I wanted to create a scratch bashed vehicle that was utilitarian. I’m pushing this towards what is essentially a solar punk pick up truck. I’m making this in scale to my 28mm so in theory I can use in games as some kind of terrain piece.

The top part of the truck’s cab is the bottom of some WW2 destroyer ship, the fore portion is a water gun, an the rest is mostly just plasticard and tubing.

This is some kind of hovering vehicle but I wanted to give it legs to sit on when it’s at rest, so these will be like the kind of ‘leg’ you see on a trailer hitch when it’s not in use. You can see the leg in place in the above image and here’s the ‘before’ shot. I’ll also make cotter pins out of paper clips.

Here’s a close up of the door.

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Wagon Wheel Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:41:02 +0000 I’m working on an ancient battlefield board and I’m going to need many carts and chariots. I scratch built these two wheels from coffee stirrers, plasticard, and nail beads. I’ll…

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I’m working on an ancient battlefield board and I’m going to need many carts and chariots. I scratch built these two wheels from coffee stirrers, plasticard, and nail beads. I’ll make a mold soon and cast these up so i can have a somewhat endless supply. Hopefully I can make some wagon wheels that have spokes as well for some variation.


Made the molds for these and I’d say they were like 60% successful. Too much silicon got underneath the wheels so it was difficult to remove the originals from the molds and I had to cut a bunch of the silicon between the spokes. You can see it especially in the top left and bottom right spoked wheel. This is after I made some resin casts so the white stuff is some talc powder.

Here’s the resin casts. The spoked wheels broke in spots but for what I plan to use this for, that’s actually fine. They’re going to be ruined wheels on a battlefield.

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Swill28 Tank Fri, 08 Sep 2023 18:24:27 +0000 The maker of Turnip28 is working on a skirmish game in the same world called Swill28. Rather than being a root and rotting vegetable theme, this one is fish and…

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The maker of Turnip28 is working on a skirmish game in the same world called Swill28. Rather than being a root and rotting vegetable theme, this one is fish and oil and has tanks. There’s not too much to go on but this for inspiration:

  1. In the deep, umbral, darkness of the pit, the fires of industry burn. The foul subterraneous city of Swill sits on an ocean of oil, its smog-choked slums, soaked black by belching smokestacks, weave a suffocating labyrinth of rowhouse horror for twenty thousand Workhouse wretches. Whispers spread through cobbled streets of a mysterious canned flesh known as The Thing in the Tins. An unimaginable abomination able to fulfil its owner’s deepest desires in this sweltering ruin of industrial revolution and verminous brick. To escape their living hell, pitiful labourers, fishwives and flensers, broken, wracked and twisted by mutation, gut each other like pilchards in their desperate search for the Tins. Fueled by oil, metal and hate they build cruel warmachines in the depths of the world. Shuddering Scab tanks, grind down ginnels overflowing with tar, Shoals of Sprats, in unprecedented numbers, swarm in the shadows, and countless bands of impoverished debtors incinerate their rivals in brutal skirmishes to the barked orders of merciless Factory Cults. Dark clouds gather over Cist. Dying travellers fatally wheeze sorry memories of the abyss. Croaking Klaxon crows call out to the most foolhardy Regiments. Gather your troops, fix bayonets, and descend to the pit city of Swill

I started with the main body of the tank which of course is a fish skull. This is sculpey wrapped around some tin foil. I put it in the oven too long and burned it, but it doesn’t really matter too much. I started attaching pieces of styrene for metal plating since this is a tank. Studs are nail art half spheres.

The tank treads were pretty difficult to make and these things are flimsy AF. The’re a mi of styrene, plastic gears, and zip dies. I will be hiding a lot of crimes later with muck and mud.

After adding styrene plating, I worked on the mouth of the tanks. I cut up a bunch of blackpowder rifles and styrene tubes and made them look like they are bristling out of a hole in the mouth. I’d like to think that rather than having one main cannon, it’s just a shotgun blast. For the tank armor plating I made little sheets of scales from hole punched paper. The driver is an ACW model and the other model is a Perry model of some sorts. My plan is to make his spear trailing various flags and fish shaped kites. I had this bent spear from a Reaper mini and thought it would be cool to have that sprout from the forehead like an angler fish. I grabbed an lantern from a random Warhammer sprue and attached it.

I think it’s ready to be primed so I can get a better idea of how much I have and how much more crap that I need to add to it.

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Skeletons of Golgatha Fri, 08 Sep 2023 18:07:35 +0000 I saw a skeleton carrying a cross miniature as a preview for an upcoming Westfalia Kickstarter and got inspired. I made the crosses out of balsa wood and the skeletons…

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I saw a skeleton carrying a cross miniature as a preview for an upcoming Westfalia Kickstarter and got inspired. I made the crosses out of balsa wood and the skeletons are modified skeletons from Wargames Atlantic. I had to cut the legs off and cut the knees to make the one skeleton struggle to carry the cross. No idea what these will be for, but I like em.

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Sculpting Tools Mon, 28 Aug 2023 14:54:36 +0000 I’m tying my hand at more sculpting so like any good crafty person, I had to make my own tools. Heavily inspired by whatever YouTube sculpting videos I’ve watched, I…

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I’m tying my hand at more sculpting so like any good crafty person, I had to make my own tools. Heavily inspired by whatever YouTube sculpting videos I’ve watched, I made some texturers. I took some two part green stuff, put a lump on the end of a broken chop stick, and then pressed various objects into it for texture. For one I made holes all over it with my ball tool – this gives kind of a lizard or toad skin texture. For the others I rolled one along a rock, another against one my kid’s lost teeth, and finally a piece of coral I found on the beach. The final tool just had lines that I etched into the greenstuff that give a wrinkly skin effect when used.

I sculpted up a little skull and used the various texture sticks to lumpify his head.

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FLGS Rummage Sale Wed, 16 Aug 2023 01:16:00 +0000 The local game store had a rummage sale and I got to go through boxes of bits. I went a bit overboard and ended up coming back and buying more.…

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The local game store had a rummage sale and I got to go through boxes of bits. I went a bit overboard and ended up coming back and buying more. Basically all of it is Warhammer stuff but I should be able to do some cool kitbashing.

I took some (what I think are) Warhammer Fantasy Battle Lizardmen mounts and some horseless riders of Rohan and made my lizard riders. The Rohirrim’s legs were really wide enough to sit on the lizard’s saddles so i had to get creative with greenstuff and just hacking away plastic on the lizards.

I also made some objective tokens from what look like dwarf bits from WHFB. The photos didn’t come out great so I’m not posting.

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More Mechs! Tue, 25 Jul 2023 21:34:56 +0000 I had one more hexagon base cut so I created one more robot, this time a quad legged guy with a crotch gun. I was fiddling with green stuff at…

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I had one more hexagon base cut so I created one more robot, this time a quad legged guy with a crotch gun.

I was fiddling with green stuff at the time and decided to sculpt a more organic robot/creature. In my mind this guy is some kind of monster or alien that scrounges on the battlefield for broken and discard parts and forms itself from those pieces. I was definitely inspired by the Japanese movies Tetsuo: The Iron Man and Meatball Machine.

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Little Mechs Tue, 25 Jul 2023 03:01:53 +0000 One of the suburban basement gang was talking about making a mech miniatures game for our group and this inspired me to make some little fight robots. This would be…

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One of the suburban basement gang was talking about making a mech miniatures game for our group and this inspired me to make some little fight robots. This would be a similar scale to Battletech, so I laser cut some hexagons to size and gathered my materials.

I knew the legs would be the most annoying thing to have to make from scratch every time, so I planned on making two legs and then molding and casting them. I created the legs using a combination of laser cut acryllic, styrene rods and sheets, acrylic nail beads, and some random Warhammer pauldrons.

Once i was generally happy with the legs, I made a one part cut mold of each. Everything I know I learned about mold making I learned from Robert Tolone on youtube. I even added in some air vents.

I’m not a fan of the resin I used but it’s what I had. Rather than a 50/50 resin to hardener mix, it uses drops of hardener depending on the pour depth. This isnt very helpful for this because I’m not casting a regular shape. The casts came out ok, if not a bit tacky at first.

Once I had some legs cast, I got started on the first robot. Just like the original legs, I used a combination of styrene bits, acrylic nail beads, and other plastic junk. It started looking like a camera because of the gear I used as the cockpit so I leaned into that concept.

I airbrushed the robot a yellow and did various chipping and weathering. I wanted to keep this paint job quick and vibrant. I also added a few small decals from a Sherman thank model kit.

For the second robot, it was a similar process to the first but I added in some MDF scraps and some of my daughter’s acrylic nails I’m constantly finding in the wash. The fake nails gave a nice gently curve to the two spots that I used it.

I airbrushed this one red and followed a similar technique as the previous robot.

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